David Belle Twitter Q&A III

On Friday September 8, 2012 David Belle held his 3rd Q&A session on Twitter. Here is a transcript of the questions that were asked which Belle responded to. We’ve put them in the order asked and answered, and we’ve also included our best translations and corrections for spelling and other things as we thought appropriate.

Click here to read Q&A #1
Click here to read Q&A #2


How much time do you spend on training?
David Belle
@Goglou Before it was 8 hours a day or more sometimes. Sometimes it was all night. Now it’s 2-3 hours every 2-3 days lol : ))


matteo madrucci
It may seem stupid, but I’m a big fan of District 13 and I wanted to ask if you have the same sense of justice Leito.

David Belle
Yes, I don’t like injustice. I don’t like people that do harm to others that they think are weak. Those that think they are better than others. And those that lie! But each person their life. I don’t judge anyone. No man has the right to judge another.


Corissa Baker
I don’t have a question. I just want to say thanks for all the inspiration. I’ve needed it. 🙂

David Belle
Merci. Tres gentille : )

Corissa Baker
And you definitely just made my day. 😉


Turis Emanuel
Do you think it’s good to listen to music while training Parkour? Personaly, I think without music I feel more what I’m doing,

David Belle
Yes it’s good. It allows you to connect a little bit and you must adapt the music to your style of movement. But when I was younger I didn’t have music to listen to when I trained lol !


Yo are you making another B13 movie soon!?

David Belle
Oui ! And with @RealPaulWalker I hope : ) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1430612/ …


Question not available: We think it had something to do with asking Belle what is the thing he learned most from Parkour.

David Belle
Never give up.


william thaning
what has been the greatest moment in parkour for you? 🙂

David Belle
@Rackar_willi When I am concentrated on what I am doing so much that nothing can bother me. That is the most special moment.


the leah
what was the hardest thing for u to give up, because of parkour?
David Belle
Eating candy lol ! Parkour was what I chose and it was my passion so I never felt like I was giving anything up to do it : )


Pooya Valiany (PK)
what do you think about parkour in iran?

David Belle
I think Parkour is for everyone with two arms and two legs. Parkour is universal! There isn’t one country that merits more to do Parkour than another. I am very happy that Parkour has arrived in Iran and that there are people doing it there. Bon courage et bonne continuation : )


Sam Egginton
you have been so influential to me but what is the easiest way to build confidence

David Belle
The repetition : ) Repetition brings confidence. When you have fear, the repetition from the past will give you the base to succeed.


Enter Name
again the question… do you jam with normal people?..

David Belle
If I have the chance yes, but in general I go to places where it is calm. I don’t move so that people can see me. I move for the good that it brings.


Question not available: We think it had something to do with asking whether David was working on a film and if he will come to Spain.

David Belle
Yes! In fact I am working right now on a film called Malavita with @TheRobertDeNiro. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2404311/ … And if all goes well then I will do one soon in Spain : ))


Jesse Peveril
salut David belle, est-ce que c’est vrai que tu fume des gros bédos toute la journée? wesh.
[Hello David, is it true that you spoke big joints every day?

David Belle 
Oui gros comme le cigar lol
[Yes, big like cigars lol]


Pablo ._.
Yo David! j’écris ceci juste pour te dire à quel point tu m’as inspiré, à quel point tu as changé ma vie. Waiting a new movie!<3
[Yo David! I am writing just to tell you how much you inspire me, to the point you have changed my life! Waiting a new movie! <3]

David Belle 
Merci ! Tres gentil : ))


any tips for doing parkour rolls i cant do them on them on hard surfaces

David Belle
Soft ground, sand, wood, and then concrete and you’re good : )


People would die 2 learn from you in person. We’ll bring you to Texas. People would love 2 know your team of coaches too! Thx!

David Belle
I would like very much to come to Texas! Soon I hope : )


Nikki Banks
hello David! What do you do when you don’t know what to do in your life?don’t know where to move?

David Belle
I train and then I have the good ideas after. When you do a good training it puts the ideas in place : ) Bon courage.

Nikki Banks
thank you.it really helped*)


hi hw r u. u r so good loking n tlnted n good man.dnt u wnt a baby to inherited all that. it will b such a waste nt to
[Hi, how are you, you are so good looking and talented and a good man. Don’t you want a baby to inherit all that. It will be such a waste not to.]

David Belle
Yes I have a son. His name is Isaϊah! It will be up to him to decide if he wants to do Parkour or not. But it is certain that I will teach him things but it will be his choice what to do : )


David Belle
Thank you everyone for your questions! My family awaits me so I must go. I hope you are all doing well! Until the next time! A bientot!


Since this interview, Belle has deactivated his Twitter account. These tweets can now be found in our tweet history at @parkourdotcom.

David Belle
David Belle at the Bercy stadium in Paris.

*Article republished with permission from Take Flight. Interview coordinated, conducted, and translated by Adam Dunlap.

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