On November 28th, 2011, David Belle responded to questions LIVE via his Twitter. Here is a transcript of the questions asked and Belle’s answers in the order he responded to them. Belle did not respond to every questions asked. We have provided the translations of Belle’s answers when he responded in French.
David Belle
Je suis la et pret pour vos questions : )
[I am here and ready for your questions : ) ]
(AnnieJankowska) Annie Jankowska
I heard that Paul Walker will replace Cyril in #D13 Remake. Do you think it’s a good choice? I think its a joke
David Belle
Personally I like very much the work Paul Walker has done. The film will be a new experience for me and I look forward to working with him : )
(MatejSnopek) Matej Snopek
Do you have any plans of creating a Parkour Academy, that is, a parkour “school” like the parkour generations have done?
David Belle
I would like very much to make a Parkour center for everyone to introduce people to Parkour. Maybe in a few years.
(vzlomali) Suleimanova Dinara
hi wanted to ask sequel to will 13 district
David Belle
Ask away : )
(Kragenfaultiere) Kragenfaultiere
Why is there no flip in real parkour? #parkour
David Belle
If you feel the need to do a flip in the moment then it exists. Do as you feel : ) It’s not useful but it still exists. For example, you can walk down the street and then do a roll all of a sudden. It’s not useful but you can still do it.
(sweet_meryl) Meryl Swan
Bonjour Sir!!!have you ever been in love?at what age did you have your first crush on someone & who was your first crush?luv You:)
David Belle
I had my first crush at maybe 6 or 7. I will post a photo for you soon on twitter or facebook : )))
(EmergenceSports) EmergenceSport
qu’est ce que la pratique du parkour peut apporter au monde de l entreprise, au niveau du management?
[What can the practice of Parkour bring to the business world at the level of management?]
David Belle
Plus de certitude dans le decision. Quand t’es sur de toi meme t’es plus fort.
[More certitude in the decisions. When you are sure of yourself then you are stronger.]
(AveryBallotta) Avery Ballotta
as a university student, I find I don’t have the time I used to for training. How do I continue training with my busy schedule?
David Belle
Find an hour or two during the weekend. Go to the forest and move among the rocks and clear your mind from all your work.
(Ubisss) Urania Bathista
Hi Dear David,the brazilian parkour community is very big.
David Belle
I have never been to Brazil but I want to visit : ))
(Ubisss) Urania Bathista
… Are we taking the name of Parkour with honor and responsibility ? What do you know about the Brazilians teams ? #LoveYa …=)
David Belle
I have heard good things about your groups, just like groups in Mexico. They are responsible and the know what Parkour is. They don’t just do whatever. They know what it is to move and be careful.
(mrboxy271) Martyn
here’s my question 🙂 where is your favourite place to train and why? 😀
David Belle
My favorite place to train is the forest!! Amongst lots of trees and rocks : ))
(GiordanoCherini) Giordano Cherini
hello. I’m from a small town in Brazil, one day you thought parkour would be seen around the world?
David Belle
I didn’t think Parkour would grow the way it has. I didn’t think that so many people had need of it. I thought that Parkour was interesting, but I didn’t think it would be so to so many people.
(KrlosGangrel) Krlos Átila Oliveira
Hello David I’m a big fan ur! =]
David Belle
Merci. Tres gentil. That gives me inspiration to do ever better things for you in the next film : )
(Abudi_Alsagoff) Abudi Alsagoff
any upcoming plan for a tour around the world? Come to Malaysia!
David Belle
Yes, I do have plans to due a world tour. I want to take photos of Parkour around the world : )
(yuuri19) rose ann mariveles
4 more hours xoxoxo
David Belle
Je suis la lol !!
[I am here lol !!]
(UnbelievableB) Jack B
Here’s a question, What does parkour mean to you?
David Belle
Parkour is a way for me to grab onto life.
(jeanwainer) Jean Wainer
David, is it you replying to the twits or is there someone in your behalf?
David Belle
When it is simple answers I do. And when they are more complicated answers I have a friend help me translate into English. But my answers are always from me. No one can think in my place for me.
(vzlomali) Suleimanova Dinara
in his spare time what do you do that you love
David Belle
I like to go to museums : )
(sweet_meryl) Meryl Swan
Sir i wanna do Parkour but there is no training centre around,i am a girl,my age is 22.what should i do?can i train myself alone?
David Belle
It’s better if you can find someone who has already done Parkour. Then they can teach you the base. After that you can train on your own. But to start it is very good to find someone to help you learn the base.
(itsathanasia) Athanasia Ziogas
Bonjour de New York 🙂 is there any chance you’ll visit us?
David Belle
Ouais! Un grand chance : ))
(Carlitos_Gut) Carlos Gutiérrez
What do you think about daniel ilabaca’s philosophy expresed in “choose not to fall” video?
David Belle
I have not seen the video, but I know what you are talking about. If it works for him, and if he really thinks that when he moves, then he has found his method of functioning. Today one of the reasons I am more quite today is because I don’t believe that my philosophy is meant for everyone. It’s more important to follow your own path than to follow someone else. Everyone has their way of doing things, and it doesn’t necessarily work for everyone else. So be careful of philosophy. Everyone is going to find a way to express the same thing. In 10 years there may be 30 different philosophies of Parkour. One could say, “Always grab on” for example as a new philosophy. But those philosophies don’t change what Parkour is. The fact that people find different ways of describing what works for them is good for them and doesn’t bother me at all.
(ralphariel) Ralph Lim
Is it possible to learn Parkour at the age of 22?
David Belle
Yes of course : )
(vzlomali) Suleimanova Dinara
not too late for me to do parkour in 24 years
David Belle
No. Not too late : )
(Chrismovement) Chris Zarkadoulas
I’l ask you a better question lol What advise would you give to a current practisioner of parkour?What do you think is important?
David Belle
To always be in a good energy. If you are tired or not in a good feeling then it’s not the best way to practice. Be strong in your mind and be ready and then it is more safe. Don’t ever lose the passion for Parkour : ) First learn to love what you do and then it will stay : )
(Dikarka18) Katerina Kapralova
What you can lift your mood and help you relax?
David Belle
I realize that we must be happy with what we have, because there are people who have nothing at all. It rains on the lives of everyone. So when it the weather is beautiful take advantage of it and enjoy life.
(hame44) David
Hi David. It is an honor to speak to You. Do You have plans for a world tour?
David Belle
Yes, I want to do a world tour to take photos of Parkour around the world : )
(marcelogaia7) Marcelo Gaia
any plan on coming to Brazil anytime soon? Not sure if you already answered that.
David Belle
I don’t have any plans but I would like to visit : )
(tchanakya94) chanakya
is your childhood as adventurous as now? How did Parkour bring about a transformation in you?
David Belle
Yes, when I was younger life was more adventurous. I traveled more.
(sweet_meryl) Meryl Swan
i sorry if it irritate you but i am too much curious to ask you..Are you single?do you believe in marriage?you ever gonna sattle?
David Belle
Maybe. We will see : )
(hame44) David
Which religion do You believe in? 🙂
David Belle
In all the religions there are the good things to learn. But yes I believe in God : )
(yuuri19) rose ann mariveles
whats your favorite tricks in PK
David Belle
Big jumps are my favorite move. The sensation of arriving from above : )
(nameless_tracer) Albert Pan.
can you please tell me a tip how to train my flow? and it would be cool, if you could visit munich 😉
David Belle
To work on flow? Link everything together. When you land keep moving. Don’t wait.
(hame44) David
Are You going to make a B 13 remake with Paul Walker?
David Belle
Oui !
(Fukkatsumi_Lee) Anastasiya Sokolova
what makes you laugh?
David Belle
One Man Show the comics : )
(Calliope312) Nikki Banks
Hi!I’M Evi,today is my Birthday!)I’m 18.I wanted to ask about your new film with Paul Walker.how soon will it be in theatres?
David Belle
The film will be in theaters before the end of the world… I hope. Happy Birthday : ))
(daredvz) d.v
have you ever had some injury that discouraged you and u started to think about doing parkour again or not
David Belle
Yes, injuries have happened like in all sports. And it caused me to think that maybe I should stop. But then the injury went away and I am back : )
(EmergenceSports) EmergenceSport
quelle est votre approche des media sociaux? Comment les utiliser vous?
[What is your approach to social media? How do you use them?]
David Belle
Je n’utilise pas. J’en utilise vite : )
[I don’t use them. I use them quickly : ) ]
davbelle David Belle
Merci a tous d’etre la et de poser vos questions. A la prochaine et a bientot : )))
[Thank you to everyone for your questions. Until the next time and see you soon : ))) ]

Aren’t sure what Parkour is? Click here to read a succinct definition on our “What is Parkour?” page.
*Article republished with permission from Take Flight. Interview coordinated, conducted, and translated by Adam Dunlap.