We were honored to be able to interview Matthieu from Switzerland! He is a rising star in the Parkour world with more than 110,000 followers on Instagram. If you’ve never seen him before let the video below be your introduction as well as the following interview which will give you some insight into his life and his approach to making a career in Parkour.
What is your name, age, and where are you from?
Hey there, I’m Matthieu, I’m 23 years old and I’m from a small town in the mountains of Switzerland.
How did you get involved with Parkour & Freerunning, how old were you when you started, and how long have you been training?
Since I was a child, I always loved jumping and climbing around and at the age of 10, I saw an old 3run Parkour video that finally found the name of what I was doing since forever. I have been training now for around 13 years.
People started noticing me back in 2019 / 2020 because everywhere I was going, I was consistently trying to find the sketchiest side pre.
How often do you train?
I train as much as I can, around 5 to 6 times a week.
What is your favorite PKFR move or technique, and why do you like it so much?
That’s a pretty fun one for me aha, people started noticing me back in 2019 / 2020 because everywhere I was going, I was consistently trying to find the sketchiest side pre. So I would say sideslip pres and I couldn’t tell why, but I love this movement so much.

What is your favorite food, drink, or meal?
Water is good aha, I’m honestly eating pretty healthy most of the time but my all time favorite meal is a meat pie that my girlfriend makes! (If I ever host you one day, you will love this one, trust me!)
Are you working on any projects at this time? If so, what?
I’m currently on working on trying to make a career out of Parkour and make a living out of it by contacting brands, sellers, etc… so if any CEO of a brand is reading this and is interested into working with me, hit me up ahaha.
Try to learn as many movements as you can and drill them until you can have fun anywhere you go!
What advice do you have for anyone starting on the PKFR journey?
I remember, the first years I was training, I was watching some old school Farang videos and I realized that I wanna be able to have fun and train everywhere I go like the people I was seeing in these videos. So try to learn as many movements as you can and drill them until you can have fun anywhere you go!
What has been the biggest setback to your career, and what has been the biggest highlight?
The biggest setback to my career was definitely a bail I had back in November 2021 when I tried a side pre over a rail and a river to a rock. I stressed myself out to commit to the jump while 2 cars where coming towards me so I focused on the cars and not the jump which made me f*ck it up.
How close do you think you are to reaching your full athletic potential? Do you have any weaknesses that you are working on improving?
I honesty think I’m at around 50% of my full athletic potential. I don’t really follow a diet and I don’t go to the gym at the moment but I will definitely be working on that during this winter!
Outside of Parkour/Freerunning, what are your favorite hobbies? How do you spend your time when you aren’t training?
Train, Eat, Sleep, Repeat, you remember that, that’s how I spend my time aha.
Nah except training, as I said earlier, I am trying to make a full living out of parkour, so I spend most of my mornings working on this.
How can people be more connected with you and follow your work and career?
I am really active on my Instagram account so if you are interested to see what I’m doing, check it out aha!
Instagram: https://instagram.com/matthieu.pk
We are big fans of Matthieu, and he think he is going a long way. Definitely follow him on Instagram (CLICK HERE) and stay tuned for inspiring videos and updates from him!