Just yesterday (August 31) at 11am PST, David Belle held an open Q&A via his Twitter. This was the first time he has addressed questions publicly since his last Twitter Q&A held 9 months ago in November 2011.
The questions responded to by Belle seemed to be split pretty equally between personal questions, Parkour questions, and a career oriented questions.
- He responded to a couple question about his personal life including mentioning his hobbies and his son.
- He responded to a couple question regarding films, his current work, and his future film aspirations.
- As we always hope and expect, Belle responded to questions about Parkour including discussing training locations, competitions, and other ideas.
- And in the midst of all of that Belle also referred to Take Flight in two different answer streams including answering a question directly from our social media and specifically mentioning Take Flight founder Adam Dunlap
Here is a transcript of the questions that were asked to Belle to which he responded. They are in the order asked and answered, and we’ve also included our best translations and corrections for spelling and other things as we thought appropriate.
David Belle
I am online and ready to respond to your questions : ))
Claudia @noirdragon
Je commencerai parkour le mois prochain j’ai 22 ans,as-tu quelques conseils à me donner?Thanks 4 being such an inspiration 😀
[I will start Parkour next month. I am 22 years old. Do you have any advice to give me? Thanks 4 being such an inspiration :D]
David Belle
@noirdragon Le premiere choses de travailler : detent, vitese, souples. Il faut commencer doucement car le corps a le memoire. Comme a l’ecole si tu apprends trop vite tu ne rappeleras rien.
[The first things to work: explosiveness, speed and flexibility. One must start slowly because the body has a memory. Like at school if you learn too fast then you won’t remember anything.]
Amy Jacobs @Loopysquirrel
Are you working on any new films?
David Belle
@Loopysquirrel Yes ! Malavita with Robert De Niro ! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2404311/ …
Wil @u7Wil
What’s your opinion on people saying Take Flight are money hungry, sell outs, etc ?
David Belle @davbelle
@u7Wil Tell me a company that doesn’t want to make money? There isn’t one. But then there are companies that earn money honestly and those that earn it dishonestly. And @TKFLT earns it honestly. Everyone must find a way to make a living.
Stellaღ @StellaMusicRA
What are your other hobbys if your not doing parkour ?!! :))
David Belle
@StellaMusicRA I read and I try to learn the piano!
Stephane Lacassagne @Steve12L
@davbelle Bonsoir David, un jour, on te propose un film avec Jet Li. Tenté ?
[Good evening David, one day, we propose a fil with Jen Li? Tempted?]
David Belle
@Steve12L Pourqoui pas ?! Si c’est moi qui gagne a le fin oui ! lol
[Why not?! If it’s me who wins at the end yes! lol]
[Text deleted. We think it had something to do with asking Belle his favorite Parkour movie.]
David Belle
@pabloalejandrpk Casino Royale with @sebastienfoucan !!! I love that chase scene : ))
Parkour Morelia A/V @drcastro01
first thought wen u hear “mexican PK”???
David Belle
@drcastro01 Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan! I went there with my friend Ben!
Mirko Svrabic @Odisius
Do you plan to turn Parkour in to a competitive sport?
David Belle
@Odisius Before thinking about competition I hope people learn correctly the Parkour. Then we will see about friendly competitions. I am in favor of the competitions to improve the performance and allow people to come together. But I don’t like the competitions to see who is the best.
Stanislas Rosette @ThinkParkour
@davbelle Avec quel acteur voudriez vous jouer? Liam Neeson serait il dans vos préférences?
[With what action would like to act with? Would Liam Neeson be one of your preferences?]
David Belle
@ThinkParkour J’aimerais vraiment faire un film d’aventure avec Dwayne Johnson! @TheRock
[I would very much like to do a film of adventure with Dwayne Johnson!]
Fozia Najib @fozia_najib
@davbelle Hi! I am a huge fan! Is it true that you will be starring in a movie in the US called Brick Mansions as a remake of District 13?
David Belle
@fozia_najib Yes! With Paul Walker if everything goes well : )) @RealPaulWalker
Dan Briceno @Klint_Beastwood
Are you still training? Also, just like to say you’re a beauty for bringing fundamental and applicable movement to life #Parkour
David Belle
@Klint_Beastwood Yes! Since my son arrived that has given me even more energy to continue. Because I started to gain weight a little lol 🙂
Eve Atzmüller @EveAtzmueller
@davbelle hey david! just keep moving, Through your art you give us the power and strength to carry on every single day. thank you for that
David Belle
@EveAtzmueller Thank you to you ! You also give me the energy to continue : )
Brian Lopez™ @brianstivenl
@davbelle What music do you listen to? xD
David Belle
@brianstivenl I like a little of everything. For example the music in the film Gladiator : )
harleyswann @harleyswann
@davbelle Hey! You inspired me to start parkour! But what inspired you to train,and turn parkour into a world wide sport?
David Belle
@harleyswann Mon pere : )
Question not available
David Belle
@Echelon2710 We are all here for a reason. and if I can give the inspiration to other people to move them I am proud of that. Everyone should do something in their life they are proud of : )
Brunnen Blaeser @gmbgmbgmbgmbgmb
@davbelle Have you started filming for Brick Mansion yet? I love the B/D 13 films!
David Belle
@gmbgmbgmbgmbgmb Not yet! For the moment I am the stunt coordinator for the film Malavita and I have a small role at the end of the film : )
Stanislas Rosette @ThinkParkour
@davbelle What is the name of your son? PS: Votre livre est magnifique, MERCI
David Belle
@ThinkParkour His name is Isaϊah : ) Merci ! I plan to write another one on the method of training for Parkour. The true Parkour that my father passed to me which I have never fully spoken of.
Emile Mois @EmileMoi
@davbelle I always wanted to learn parkour but I don’t have the place where to do it, or the money to go to gym…Can you give me some help?
David Belle
@EmileMoi You don’t need money to do Parkour. To learn the basics there are always things to climb and things to jump from. Unless you live in the desert there are always places to do Parkour : ))
Ali-Bayrak @AliBaydebt
@davbelle do you stille fell Young my good friend 🙂
David Belle
@AliBaydebt As long as I can move I feel young. When I can not do anymore jumps then I will start to age. Parkour is the best sport to know if you are becoming old : )
Mushu Shavie @Assassin_Mosh
@davbelle what would you say to someone that really loves parkour but just can’t do anything, no matter how much he tries and tries .
David Belle
@Assassin_Mosh For me everyone can do Parkour. Unless you have an accident or problems with the skeletal system, or back or knees, or whether 350 pounds everyone can do Parkour : ) So continue training : )
Jackson Brian @JacksonBrianPK
@davbelle Bonjour David, j’aimerai savoir si pour toi le parkour serait plus considéré comme un sport ou art de vie (ou autre chose)? 🙂
[Hello David, I would like to know if for you Parkour would be more considered as a sport or an art of life (or something else)? 🙂
David Belle
@JacksonBrianPK The two. It all depends on how you practice. If you train only two times a week for 2 hours at a time then it’s a sport. If you train everyday then it’s an art : )
blessero @blessero
@davbelle @Echelon2710 do you not sometimes fear hearing things like that can blow up your ego too much. it’s a bit of responsibility too
David Belle
@blessero @Echelon2710 My ego disappeared a long time ago. Someone with ego is someone who thinks he is better than others or stronger.
Robecop ☥ @Robecopp
@davbelle what dou you think about today’s Parkour?
David Belle
@Robecopp It has evolved well. There are many great people who practice Parkour, but it is in the process of returning to the true training. The base.
Morin Thomas @Morueblc
@davbelle dav que penses tu de la federation qui a ete faite en france je pense deja connaitre la reponse mais pour que ca soit bien clair:)
{Dav what do you think of the federation that has been made in France? I think I already know the response but so that it is clear.]
David Belle
@Morueblc [I think that is the people that want to make a federation. If the people have wanted to spread the real Parkour then they would have come to see me instead of doing things in their corner as if I was dead. I gave a free sport to the world and now [they’re] trying to put it in a cage. It’s only the people with diplomas who think they are better than the others, and who aren’t passionate. Dommage. It’s good to have a sports diploma. But if this was needed then Einstein would have already invented Parkour lol. A bientot Thomas : ))
Morin Thomas @Morueblc
@davbelle a bientot merci de la reponse ca me conforte dans ma position
[See you soon. Thanks for the response. That comforts me in my position.]
David Belle
@Morueblc : ))
Take Flight @tkflt
@davbelle Why have you chosen to work with @TKFLT and what do you hope to accomplish in the future with them? or accomplish with us, rather : ))
David Belle
@TKFLT I work with Take Flight because @adamdunlap is a true friend and I respect the work he has done to defend Parkour. And he has helped me to put in place all the things that allow me to communicate with everyone. I don’t wait for anything. I just want to continue to develop things as we have done.
David Belle
I have to go! Thank you everyone for your questions. I’ll be back next Friday to answer more : )) In joy and happiness. Dav
Since this interview, Belle has deactivated his Twitter account. These tweets can now be found in the tweet history of us, the twitter of Parkour.com.

*Article republished with permission from Take Flight. Interview coordinated, conducted, and translated by Adam Dunlap.