The world’s newest Parkour shoe is here, and it’s called the Stealth Ultra 2nd Gen! Announced today on the Take Flight Instagram page, the shoe looks to be a sleek design made for Traceurs and Freerunners alike. Here is what we know.
- Take Flight used the Stealth Ultra as their base model (a shoe they launched in 2018)
- They revisited the grip, laces, and adhesives in the shoe
- Updated sock liners
- Updated box design
- Regular price: $130 (pre-order for $99)
- Release date of Jun 25, 2021

All we can say is we are excited to wear the shoe!! The Stealth Ultras were super well received by Traceurs worldwide when Take Flight launched the shoe in 2018, so we have to imagine that any tweaks no matter how small will simply make the shoe that much better.
Take Flight has been a huge supporter of us at, ever since we began, so we are thrilled to see them continue running in the shoe game and see them announce this product. You can CLICK HERE to pre-order a pair opf 2nd Gens on Take Flight’s website. You’ll save about 30%.
A little about Take Flight: Take Flight was the world’s first Parkour clothing company when they launched in December 2008, and they became one of the first companies to make Parkour shoes when they launched the Take Flight 1.0 in the summer of 2014. Take Flight has been a huge supported of from day 1! We consider them a major community partner. Their roots track back the beginnings of Parkour in the USA, and over time they have sponsored some of the world’s most historic Traceurs including Pasha Petkuns, Toby Segar, Shaun Wood, Pedro Salgado. Between 2011 and 2014 they were even responsible for the design and distribution of David Belle’s clothing line. You can learn more about Take Flight at