I recently stumbled across a video that listed the health benefits of hanging. Yes, that’s right, static hanging.
It caught my attention, because it’s something I used to do a lot when I was teaching Parkour classes, and we even had competitions sometimes. However, I never stopped to deeply consider the benefits of hanging besides of the obvious: grip strength and mental fortitude (hanging until you drop really challenges the mind).
…there are lots of benefits to hanging, not to mention it’s actually pretty fun and a great challenge.
Apparently there are lots of benefits to hanging, not to mention it’s actually pretty fun and a great challenge. Coincidentally, one of Storror’s most recent videos has them challenge a climber to a hanging competition which is a fun watch.
The video below is the one I came across. By no means is it comprehensive, but it lists five benefits of hanging. There are couple others I’ve experienced in my training. Combined, these benefits are.
- 1. Grip Strength
- 2. Posture Correction
- 3. Spinal Decompression
- 4. Improved core stability
- 5. Improved upper body strength including arms, shoulders, and back muscles
- 6. Improved flexibility in the upper body.
This video says “5 minutes of hanging everyday…” but let that only be a suggestion. Simply give hanging a try, and incorporate it into your next training session if you never have! Experiment with different grips, different widths and different angles, plus try it with one hand like Storror does. Time yourself and see how long you can go, then track your improvement and see what you find.
If you really want to go deep, here are a few other videos to inspire you.
Good luck!