Real Parkour.

Real Parkour isn’t what posts on our Instagram and Facebook channels. Parkour is a training method, and that method is rooted in overcoming obstacles in the natural and urban environments.

Even David Belle’s original videos like “Speed Air Man” weren’t really Parkour. They WERE Parkour in the sense that they were him demonstrating Parkour at the highest level. They WEREN’T Parkour in the sense that they were more so him demonstrating his abilities gained from the Parkour training method.

The 5-part “Parkour History” series which surfaced on YouTube in 2012 (filmed circa 1995) which showed David Belle, SebastienFoucan, and friends tracing Lisses and Evry are some of the truest-to-the-discipline videos ever released.

But of all the videos from David belle, “Le Parkour de Nuit” is the one that best demonstrates Parkour as founded by him. We have uploaded it to our YouTube for historical and educational purposes.

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