Take Flight, our partner, and one of the oldest Parkour brands in the world, recently unveiled some prototype shoes on their website! They are limited edition – there is only 1 pair of each shoe.
The story goes that when Take Flight was developing their Ultra PKFR shoe in 2015, they made some colorway prototypes. These prototypes were never moved to production, but they were kept in a vault until recently when Take Flight came across them and decided to put them on their website for a couple lucky customers.

There are 4 total prototypes including the Neon Green Ultras which were originally slated for launch. We must say that the purple and teal ones are especially amazing. We’ve never seen anything like it even from a company like Nike. These are truly unique, one of kind shoes.
Take Flight has been making Parkour shoes since 2014. And they were the first Parkour clothing company in the world when they were founded in 2008. We support them because a) they make awesome products, b) They truly love Parkour! and c) They support us by paying our bills (truly, they do). if you need some Parkour shoes or gear, definitely check them out (you can click HERE). They stand behind their products with a 100% Traceur Satisfaction Guarantee.