The Benefits of Hanging As A Training Exercise
Hanging is a great exercise to add into your training regime. Here are 6 benefits to it, and a video from Storror that'll inspire you to start doing it.
“Forever Incomplete” 🎥 Valtteri Has A Style All His Own.
Our video highlight this week stars Valtteri Luoma-aho from Finland! It has moves that are so original we don't even know the names to them! You're going to love it.
The Best Parkour Products on Amazon
We’ve reached into our personal experience to find the best Parkour products on Amazon that’ll help you get the most out of your Parkour training.
Recruiting Collaborators: Join in Supporting Traceurs Worldwide. is excited to announce that we are seeking writers, partners, and contributors to join our site and help us achieve our mission of supporting Traceurs worldwide.
“MIND THE GAP” 🎥 Putting MTL on the Map.
A new Parkour short film called "Mind the Gap" has hit the airwaves. It stars 6 Montreal based Traceurs who collectively do the biggest jumps ever done in MTL.
Foam Rolling. You Gotta Try it!
Have you ever tried foam rolling? If you read this article and give it a shot, I think you'll never go back to not doing it. It's that great.
Writings from David Belle (pt. 1)
A short writing from David Belle where he explains his view on Parkour and where it came from.
Setting the Standard: “Freedom in Motion” Parkour Gym
We recently sat down to interview Jimmy Davidson and get some insight into his California-based Parkour gym “Freedom in Motion.” It turned into a deep discussion that's definitely worth the read.
“SWARM” by Capstone Is 🤯!
In the words made famous by Dom Di Tommaso, "Oh. My. Days." I just watched, "SWARM," and the short film is insane. Absolutely insane.
Athlete Spotlight: Interview with Matthieu.
We were honored to be able to interview Matthieu from Switzerland! He is a rising star in the Parkour world with more than 110,000 followers on Instagram.