Our video highlight this week comes from Farang’s YouTube, and it stars Valtteri Luoma-aho from Finland! In the video, Valttteri showcases spins, flips, and jumps, some of which we have. Never. Seen. Before. Honestly, we don’t even know what a lot of these moves are called! Not to mention, the flip on the snow shovel is wild, and that one is tame compared to some of the other bangers 😳
When we first saw the title we thought it was a humble ode to always improving which surely it is. It may also be Val wanting to get this footage out there and move on the next 😂 Per the video description:
When’s any project really complete? Valtteri Luoma-aho threw this incomplete project together to move on to the next one.
Sit back and enjoy. We think this will stretch your mind and give you ideas to work on for years to come.
Click HERE to follow Farang on YouTube
Click HERE to follow Val on Instagram.